in English

Welcome to the website of the local chapter of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Pasing-Aubing

We appreciate your curiosity and interest in our local chapter of the political party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen.
We live and work in the west of Munich and care about our city, our families, our fellow human beings, neighbours and our natural environment. In order to achieve a better urban climate, we want to reduce car traffic, promote cycling as well as public transports and protect people, animals and plants. Strengthening equal rights and guaranteeing every person the freedom of a self-determined life is an important basis for us.

We cordially invite you to join us at our meetings and to work together with us for a multicultural country and an open society.

An active Climate protection is very important for a good future for us, our children and a healthy perspective for planet Earth. We are all concerned and would be very happy, if this is also your opinion. There is only one planet Earth for all of us! Be welcome and simply get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you at

Details about our local chapter Pasing-Aubing

We are about 300 members from the districts of Pasing, Obermenzing, Aubing, Lochhausen, Langwied, Neuaubing, Westkreuz and Freiham. We live in different living conditions, are of different origins and ages, have many different professions and also religions and maintain contact with 15 local chapters of the party in the Munich districts and with the „Green Youth Munich“. We also support our representatives in the Munich City Council, the Bavarian Parliament in Munich and the German Bundestag in Berlin and work together with them in many ways, e.g., in election campaigns.

Maybe you also have a special topic of interest? There are many working groups on topics such as migration, mobility, circular economy, feminism, anti-racism, digitalization, transport, culture, etc. organized by the Munich Green-Party.